New Mexico
A city council member in Albuquerque, N.M., introduced a resolution a few years ago to ban Santa Claus from the city. The matter was defeated.
Carrizozo: It's forbidden for a female to appear unshaven in public.
Females are strictly forbidden to appear unshaven in public.
In Albuquerque, New Mexico it is illegal for cab drivers to reach out and pull potential customers into their cabs.
In Carlsbad it's legal for couples to have sex in a parked vehicle during their lunch break from work, as long as the car or van has drawn curtains to stop strangers from peeking in.
In recent years, several efforts have been made to legalize camel racing and ostrich racing in New Mexico, but to no avail. Those bills were defeated, but the legislature recently allowed gambling on bicycle races.
It's forbidden for a female to appear unshaven in public.
Las Cruces: You may not carry a lunchbox down Main Street.
State officials ordered 400 words of "sexually explicit material" to be cut from Romeo and Juliet.
A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. This old law specifically prohibits men from turning around on any city street and looking "at a woman in that way." A second conviction for a crime of this magnitude calls for the violating male to be forced to wear a "pair of horse-blinders" wherever and whenever he goes outside for a stroll.
A license must be purchased before hanging clothes on a clothesline.
A person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in his/her pocket.
Before the enactment of the 1978 law that made it mandatory for dog owners in New York City to clean up after their pets, approximately 40 million pounds of dog excrement were deposited on the streets every year.
Carmel: A man can't go outside while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match.
Citizens may not greet each other by "putting one's thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers".
Donkeys are not allowed to sleep in bathtubs in Brooklyn, N.Y.
During a concert, it is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards on the sidewalks.
In Carmel, N.Y., a man can't go outside while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match.
In Greene, New York, During a concert, it is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards on the sidewalks.
In New York, you can teach your pet parrot to speak, but not to squawk.
In New York City you need a permit to transport carbonated beverages.
In New York City it is illegal for a man to give 'The Standard Lear' to a woman. Violators are forced to wear horse blinders.
In New York City, it's illegal to throw swill into the street.
In New York City it's illegal to shake a dust mop out a window.
In New York State it is still illegal to shoot a rabbit from a moving trolley car.
In Ocean City, New York It is illegal to eat in the street in residential neighborhoods, and the only beverage you can drink on the beach is water in a clear plastic bottle.
In Ocean City New York, It is illegal for men to go topless in the center of town.
In Staten Island, New York, It is illegal for a father to call his son a "faggot" or "queer" in an effort to curb "girlie behavior."
In Staten Island, New York, You may only water your lawn if the hose is held in your hand.
In Tonawanda, New York homeless people may not start a fire in the park unless they intend to cook food.
It is against the law to throw a ball at someone's head for fun.
It is illegal for a father to call his son a "faggot" or "queer" in an effort to curb "girlie behavior."
It is illegal for a woman to be on the street wearing "body hugging clothing."
It is illegal to jump off the Empire State building.
It's illegal in New York to start any kind of public performance, show, play, game or what have you, until after 1:05 p.m.
Jaywalking is legal, as long as it's not diagonal. That is, you can cross the street out of the crosswalk, but you can't cross a street diagonally.
Members of nine New York Indian tribes are exempt from the city's eight percent parking tax.
New York and a handful of other states require that toilets be evenly divided among men and women in public theaters or arenas.
New York: Citizens may not greet each other by "putting one's thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers". It is illegal for a woman to be on the street wearing "body hugging clothing." You may not smoke within 100 feet of the entrance to a public building. Women may go topless in public, providing it is not being used as a business.
New York City may be the theater capital of the country, but it's illegal to have a puppet show in your window and a violation can land you in the snoozer for 30 days.
New Yorkers cannot dissolve a marriage for irreconcilable differences, unless they both agree to it.
Ocean City: It is illegal to eat in the street in residential neighborhoods, and the only beverage you can drink on the beach is water in a clear plastic bottle. It is illegal for men to go topless in the center of town.
Slippers are not to be worn after 10:00 P.M.
Staten Island: You may only water your lawn if the hose is held in your hand. It is illegal for a father to call his son a "faggot" or "queer" in an effort to curb "girlie behavior."
The New York City Transit Authority has ruled that women can ride the city subways topless. New York law dictates that if a man can be somewhere without a shirt, a woman gets the same right. The decision came after arrests of women testing the ordinance on the subways. A transit police spokesman said they would comply with the new rule, but "if they were violating any other rules, like sitting on a subway bench topless smoking a cigarette, then we would take action." Smoking is not allowed in the subways.
The New York State Senate passed a resolution to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Brooklyn Dodgers' 1955 world championship and expressed a longing that someday the Dodgers will return to "their one and only true home."
The penalty for jumping off a building is death.
To cut down on its once-horrific graffiti problem, New York City several years ago made it illegal to carry an open can of spray paint.
While riding in an elevator, one must talk to no one, and fold his hands while looking toward the door.
Women may go topless in public, providing it is not being used as a business.
You may not smoke within 100 feet of the entrance to a public building.
You may only water your lawn if the hose is held in your hand
A recent proposal that ministers walk the beat with police officers in Belmont, N.C., notes "the ministers will carry a Bible instead of a gun."
An ordinance proposed in Robbins, N.C., states, "In the future, anyone not living within the immediate vicinity of Robbins must have a permit from the Chief of Police and okayed by the Mayor or one of the Commissioners." It's not clear what the permit is for, but they may be on to something.
In Robbins, N.C., anyone who refuses to black out after hearing the blackout signal is subject to a $5 fine.
A marriage can be declared void if either of the two persons is physically impotent.
All couples staying overnight in a hotel must have a room with double beds that are at least two feet apart. Making love in the space between the beds is strictly forbidden.
All couples staying overnight in a hotel must have a room with double beds that are at least two feet apart.
Barber: Fights between cats and dogs are prohibited.
By town law the sewer service charge in Belhaven, N.C., used to be "$2 per month, per stool." It was recently changed to read "per toilet."
Because people were using them for cheap furniture, it's now illegal in North Carolina to take and sell labeled milk crates.
Chapel Hill: It is a misdemeanor to urinate or defecate publicly.
Charlotte: Women must have their bodies covered by at least 16 yards of cloth at all times. E
Elephants may not be used to plow cotton fields.
Fights between cats and dogs are prohibited.
Forest City: You must stop and call City Hall before entering town in an automobile. This is so the townspeople will have time to go out and hold their horses until you get through town.
Greensboro: Restaurants "with on sidewalk dining" must post their menu so that it is clearly readable from the sidewalk, but is not readable from the street.
Hornytown: Massage parlors have been banned.
In Asheville, North Carolina, it is illegal to sneeze on city streets.
In Raleigh, North Carolina, before a man asks for a woman's hand in marriage, he must be "inspected by all the barnyard animals on the young woman's family's property, to ensure a harmonious farm life."
If a man and a woman who aren't married go to a hotel/motel and register themselves as married then, according to state law, they are legally married.
If you happen to own a marl bed in North Carolina, the law demands that you put a fence around it. A marl bed may not be what you think. It is a kind of rock quarry.
In Barber, North Carolina fights between cats and dogs are prohibited.
In Chapel Hill, North Carolina it is a misdemeanor to urinate or defecate publicly.
In Charlotte, NC, woman must have their bodies covered with at least 16 yards of cloth at all times.
In Forest City, N.C., it's illegal to bring a pea-shooter to a parade. It's also illegal to shoot paper clips with rubber bands.
In Mooresville, N.C., it's illegal to attach anything to a pool table.
In Nags Headm North Carolina you can be fined for singing out of tune for more than ninety seconds.
In Rockwell, N.C., anyone who violates the terms of a proclamation--such as failing to appropriately celebrate Peanut Day or Jaycees Week--is guilty of a misdemeanor.
North Carolina just passed a law saying a political action committee, or PAC, has to have a name that describes the group's cause or purpose. The idea is to prohibit, say, the highway or tobacco lobbies from calling themselves "Citizens for Good Government."
In North Carolina it's illegal to dig ginseng on other people's property between the months of April and September, according to an 1866 law.
In North Carolina it's illegal to sell cotton lint at night. It's also legal to sell cottonseed at night.
In North Carolina it is illegal to make love on the floor of a hotel room between two double beds.
In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, it is against the law for children under seven years of age to go to college.
It is against the law to roller blade on a state highway.
It is illegal to have sex in a churchyard.
It's against the law to sing off key in North Carolina.
It's against the law to sing off key.
It's unlawful to attract a crowd in Forest City, N.C., except when aching the Gospel, politicking or "serenading on occasion of public rejoicing."
Kill Devil Hills: You may not ride a bicycle without having both your hands on the handle bars.
Making love in the space between the beds is strictly forbidden.
North Carolina forbids sex outside of marriage, or "fornication," but the girlfriend as well as the man would have to be prosecuted.
Oral sex is considered a crime against nature.
Punching an official at a youth sports program in Nashville, N.C., incurs a three-year suspension from the program for adult spectators as well as participants.
Rocky Mount: It is required that you must pay a property tax on your dog.
Southern Shores: It is against the law to roller-blade on a state highway.
Thomasville, North Carolina, prohibits airplanes from flying over the town on Sundays during the hours between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
The good people of Tryon, N.C., are serious about getting a good night's sleep. It's against the law for anyone to keep "fowl that shall cackle," or for anyone to play the piccolo between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7:30 a.m.
While having sex, you must stay in the missionary position and have the shades pulled.
You can't sneeze on the streets of Asheville, North Carolina.
You may not ride a bicycle without having both your hands on the handle bars. lon College: There is to be no roller-blading during daylight hours, on the roads, or on the bricks. All the sidewalks at this college are made of brick.
Beer and pretzels can't be served at the same time in any bar or restaurant.
Fargo: One may be jailed for wearing a hat while dancing, or even for wearing a hat to a function where dancing is taking place.
In Collierville: Keeping clean can be a chilly proposition, as a law there says all bathtubs must be kept in the backyard.
In North Dakota, charitable groups can hold stud poker games to raise money, but only twice a year
In North Dakota it is illegal to keep an elk in a sandbox in your backyard.
In Waverly you better not let your horse near the tub, since horses are prohibited from sleeping in them, as well as in the house.
It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
It is legal to shoot an Indian on horseback, provided you are in a covered wagon.
State law of North Dakota prohibits serving beer and pretzels at the same time in any bar or restaurant.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Dumb Laws at New Mexico, New York, North Carolina and North Dakota (USA) - REAL!!!
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Posted by
Truong Thanh
1:55 AM
Labels: USA Dumb Laws
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